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The Benefits of Watching TV in High-Definition
It’s very easy to get lost in all of the electronic options available on the market today. Even though high-definition TV has been...
Pew Research Center Study: Millennials Are Finding Alternatives To Pricey Cable TV Packages
People blame millennials for lots of things: Not owning homes, getting married late, not having kids and generally eking out a meager...
Steady Stream Of Cord-Cutters Find Alternatives To Monthly $100 Cable Television Bills
Almost 1 million Americans bid farewell to cable television during the second quarter of 2017. If you think that’s bad, consider the fact...
Cable TV Owners, Providers Scrambling To Find Way Around ‘Cord-Cutting’ Phenomenon
Cable television’s current financial spiral finally appears to be hitting home, as Liberty Media’s 76-year-old billionaire owner seems to...
Annual Cable Bill Cost Makes It Clear To See Why Consumers Are Choosing Clear TV Key
Every innovation has a time and place and once it’s over, it’s best that it gets out of the way and saves what’s left of its reputation....
Cable TV’s Fall From Grace Continues As Consumer Satisfaction Dwindles, Study Shows
Ever wonder what happens when so-called “disposable income” is a nearly non-existent luxury? People learn how to do without....
No Cable TV Needed To Watch These 4 Television Shows Premiering Summer 2017
Think you need cable TV to watch quality programming? Think again. The three most well-known national broadcasting companies in the U.S....
Consumers Have Final Say When It Comes To Cutting Expenses While Remaining Entertained
Preferences come and go and those who fail to take note aren’t likely to profit. While television has progressed by leaps and bounds over...
Save Money, Avoid Popular “Nothing To Watch” Refrain By Cutting Ties With Cable Company
After a long day at work, what’s more relaxing than flipping through a hundred channels on your television set before making the decision...
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