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Looking For Extra Income? Read A Clear TV Review, Rent A Spare Room Or Head Back To College

Everyone wishes they had extra cash available. While coming across an extra $10,000 is rather rare, $1,000 is a much more realistic number. That’s because this latter amount can be obtained through altering your spending habits or just putting a little money aside here and there. When it comes to changing the way you spend, one of the easiest ways to amass more savings is to cut expenses. It’s similarly possible to embark on a project outside of your day job that might earn you a little extra cash. In this article, we’ll explore both and explain how unexpected ventures like Airbnb or reading any Clear TV review can make this extra $1,000 a reality.

Cutting the Cord: One of the easiest ways to save $1,000 in the coming year is to sever the ties with your current cable provider. One look at any Clear TV review will explain why. According to industry experts, the average monthly cable bill is more than $100; add that up and you’re looking at savings of at least $1,200. By then making a one-time purchase of a Clear TV digital television antenna, you’ll have access to dozens of major broadcast channels and still be able to find plenty of entertainment options on your home TV set. With that in mind, it’s easy to see why a Clear TV review can guide you in the right financial direction.

Opening the Doors: While no longer a novel concept, plenty of people with space to spare are turning to room-renting programs like Airbnb to turn guests rooms into quick cash. According to Time magazine, you could spend around $150 to $200 per square foot for a remodeling project to make the rental venture work. However, Travel + Leisure magazine estimates that an Airbnb host in a desirable destination made just short of $1,000 in 2017. In fact, the magazine notes that “nearly 50 percent of all Airbnb hosts make more than $500 per month.”

Go Back to School: Sure, this approach may require you to spend some money before reaping the earnings but it’s safe to say that a college degree is a dependable route to higher income. According to Time magazine, a four-year degree can be had for about $63,000 and loans obviously help to cover the cost and defer repayment until your back in the working world full-time. The crucial question would be how much more degree-holders make compared to those who don’t have one. USA Today notes in a 2017 article on the current wage-gap issue that it’s about 56 percent more.

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